

2015-07-09 15:28




常常遇到小伙伴吐槽,“为什么我的句子总是简单句?”“好不容易写个复杂句,老师说是run-on sentence 病句?”

By the way, 为了照顾大众,丁丁解释一下什么是run-on sentence,SAT的小伙伴们就当我啰嗦啦。A run-on sentence is also called fused sentence. It is a sentence in which two or more independent clauses (complete sentences) are joined without appropriate punctuation or conjunction. 融合句即一个句子中有两个或两个以上独立的从句(完整的句子)而没有适当的标点符号或连词。





Knowing that millions of people around the world would be watching in person and on television and expecting great things from him — at least one more gold medal for America, if not another world record — during this, his fourth and surely his last appearance in the World Olympics, and realizing that his legs could no longer carry him down the runway with the same blazing speed and confidence in making a huge, eye-popping leap that they were capable of a few years ago when he set world records in the 100-meter dash and in the 400-meter relay and won a silver medal in the long jump, the renowned sprinter and track-and-field personality Carl Lewis, who had known pressure from fans and media before but never, even as a professional runner, this kind of pressure, made only a few appearances in races during the few months before the Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, partly because he was afraid of raising expectations even higher and he did not want to be distracted by interviews and adoring fans who would follow him into stores and restaurants demanding autographs and photo-opportunities, but mostly because he wanted to conserve his energies and concentrate, like a martial arts expert, on the job at hand: winning his favorite competition, the long jump, and bringing home another Gold Medal for the United States, the most fitting conclusion to his brilliant career in track and field.   (237 words)






Knowing that millions of people around the world would be watching in person and on television and expecting great things from him — at least one more gold medal for America, if not another world record — during this, his fourth and surely his last appearance in the World Olympics, and realizing that his legs could no longer carry him down the runway with the same blazing speed and confidence in making a huge, eye-popping leap that they were capable of a few years ago when he set world records in the 100-meter dash and in the 400-meter relay and won a silver medal in the long jump, the renowned sprinter and track-and-field personality Carl Lewis, who had known pressure from fans and media before but never, even as a professional runner, this kind of pressure, made only a few appearances in races during the few months before the Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, partly because he was afraid of raising expectations even higher and he did not want to be distracted by interviews and adoring fans who would follow him into stores and restaurants demanding autographs and photo-opportunities, but mostly because he wanted to conserve his energies and concentrate, like a martial arts expert, on the job at hand: winning his favorite competition, the long jump, and bringing home another Gold Medal for the United States, the most fitting conclusion to his brilliant career in track and field.  


这是一个语法规范,层次感很强的句子。句子主旨在于描述Carl Lewis(卡尔刘易斯), 现代田径史的奇才,非凡的短跑家和跳远名将。在1984-1996连续四届奥运会中获9枚奥运会金牌,这个长长的句子就是为了描述他长长的职业生涯中最后一次参加奥运会前的状态。


主句前,两个分词结构的修饰语Knowing that… and realizing that …, 主语都是Carl Lewis;第一个分词结构:“他知道世界上有成千上万的人都会在现场或是通过电视看他,并对他有很深的期望:至少为美国再赢得一枚金牌,如果不是创造另一项世界记录的话,在他第四次当然也是最后一次参加的奥林匹克运动会上”;第二个分词结构:“意识到他的腿已经不能再像过去一样有风一样的速度和自信去做出超级惊人眼球的一跳,然而这些在几年前,当他创造出100米和400米接力的记录和跳远中赢得银牌的时候,都是可能的”;主句部分是个简单句,只在主语后面用定语从句做出修饰:“著名的短跑田径运动员卡尔刘易斯,尽管曾经有过来自粉丝和媒体的巨大压力,但即使作为一个职业短跑运动员,也不曾有过这样的压力,在乔治亚州的亚特兰大举行的夏季奥运会之前的几个月仅出现了很少的几次”;后面跟两个原因状语从句:“一方面是因为他害怕将观众的期望值提的太高,他不想因为采访和常常跟着他进商店饭店要求签名合影崇拜他的粉丝而分散注意力,另一方面更重要的是因为储存他的精力保持注意力,像一个武术专家,专注于手头的工作:赢得他最爱的竞赛——跳远——并且为美国在带一枚金牌回家,为他璀璨的田径事业画上一个圆满的句号。”




a. 据英国媒体报道,立陶宛作家Niger Tomm日前推出的最新作品The Blah Story(第四卷)中有一个包含496375个英文单词的句子,该句已成为英语文学作品中最长的句子。

b. 波兰作家Jerzy Andrzejewski的波兰语小说《通往天国之门》(The Gates of Paradise)中有一个包含40000单词的句子

c. 捷克作家Bohumil Hrabal的捷克语小说《老人家的舞蹈课》(Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age)通篇只有一个句子,该句长达128


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